Mar 4, 2013

28 Days

February is the one month of the year which can teach you a lesson that no other month can. Any guesses? No? Alright, I'll tell you!

February is the one month which familiarizes you with the price of procrastination. As I recover from the consequences of procrastinating all my February tasks, here is what I now know about not procrastinating:

1. Reply to your messages and emails right away
There is always a reason to not reply to your text messages and emails right away. There is always a reason to not open facebook messages for the fear that the sender will see the little 'seen' tick mark there and take offence at your ignorance. But believe me, there comes a time when you have 500 unread messages in your mailbox, and a group of friends on facebook who know you are consciously ignoring the message they sent, because lets face it, facebook's technical errors can be blamed only some times.

2. Never convince yourself to do a task later
Whenever I think of getting to work, I simultaneously think of a reason to not get to work. And these two thoughts are a split second apart. So before you can even think of a reason not to do the work, get your lazy ass of your over used bed and get to work. There will always be a millions reasons to not finish writing that blog article, or making a call to your clients, or doing your homework. And these reasons will always overpower your reasons to work. So the best solution? Don't even think of them.

3. Just because you aren't tired right now, doesn't mean you won't be after another hour.
You know how there are those nights when you're full of enthusiasm and energy? You sit down and make a list of things you have to do and you promise yourself that you will do each and everything before you sleep. Then, after making your list, you look at the time on your laptop screen, and are surprised to see that its only 9:30 p.m. There's a long night ahead, and you have enough time (and energy) to get to the things on your list. So you decide to watch Grey's Anatomy before you start doing your to-do. Grey's Anatomy's wonderful episode ends, and you look at your to do list. But now, the human craving to sleep dawns on you. You run your eye down the list again, and realize that there is nothing so important that it can't be done tomorrow. The world will certainly not end if you don't do those tasks right away. Its the story of my life, and I can totally relate to it. My point here, you may ask? Don't watch Grey's Anatomy.

If nothing else, make sure you know how many days there are in a month. Because when your boss or your teacher ask you to submit that piece of work by the end of the month of February, just try to remember, that February only has 28 days.

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